Players will encounter strange and smelly objects while exploring the sandwich. Some will be creatures that players can use to their benefit; others will be objects that increase the power of the players’ units.

Rotting Carcasses will be found throughout the sandwich and at the site of any battle. The Parasites can eat these from off the ground, or have them carried around by a Squire. The Slime can do nothing with the dead.

Piles of Dung will also be found on the sandwich everywhere a creature “had to go.” Slime can consume these by simply walking over them, thus gaining life. Piles of Dung are of no use to the Parasites, which cannot interact with them.

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Meat Lice
Meat Lice are small creatures that almost evolved out of the Super Secret Sauce. Fortunately, they didn’t make it very far. Meat Lice wander up unto the sandwich from time to time and move around aimlessly. They can be used as food for the Parasites, or can be left alone by the Slime for their biological waste. They are not particularly strong or fast.

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Mayonnaise Men
Mayonnaise Men are somewhat related to the Slime, but got too much mayonnaise and not enough sauce during their evolution. They are angry at everything and will attack on sight. While fairly strong as condiments go, they have low hit points and defense. Like Meat Lice, they may be used by the Parasites and the Slime.

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Sandwich Cows
Sandwich Cows are a wonder of evolution. As in: It is a wonder that evolution would be so cruel to them. They move slowly, they don’t attack, have low hit points, and have almost no defense at all. All they do is move around chewing, and, once in a while, they multiply.